For my SPM, I did not take Science and Additional Science. However, I took Chemistry, Physics and Biology and got A+ in all of them. Here, I am sharing the tips for SPM Science and Additional Science. These tips are intended for Form 4 and Form 5 students.
Starting from SPM 2021, there are some changes to the examination format for Science and Additional Science, but the tips here are still applicable. Science and Additional Science will continue to be set bilingually in English and Malay for SPM 2021 and beyond, and all students can still choose to answer in English or Malay.
Tips for other SPM subjects can be found here:
1. Studying tips
- When your teacher is teaching in class, pay attention to what your teacher says. Make sure you understand everything taught by your teacher. If you do not understand anything, ask your teacher or friends.
- You need a reference book because the textbooks are not enough. I recommend you to use the MasterClass SPM Science reference book by Sasbadi.
- When studying a chapter, read through all the explanations in the reference book sentence by sentence. Make sure that you truly understand each sentence before moving on to the next sentence. You also need to know and understand all formulas. Certain topics may require understanding of earlier topics, so make sure you understand those topics. You should also try to relate them to what your teacher had taught in school.
- You need to read through all the experiments and activities in the reference book. You have to understand the Aim, Problem Statement, Hypothesis, Variables, List of Materials & Apparatus, Procedure, Tabulation of Data and Conclusion for all experiments. This is essential to enable you to answer the questions on describing experiment in Paper 2 Section C. For the Procedure, read through it step by step. Make sure that you truly understand each step before moving on to the next step. To help you understand, try to imagine that you are carrying out the experiment. Understanding the Procedure will make it very easy for you to remember the List of Materials & Apparatus. You are also advised to be actively involved in all experiments carried out in school because this can help you understand and remember the experiment.
- Then, you have to remember everything that you understood. You can memorise the sentences in the book, or you can also create your own sentences that have the same meaning and memorise them. If you create your own sentences, make sure that you do not change the original meaning, do not leave out any important points and do not change the important keywords and scientific terms. However, do not just memorise without understanding. Once you have understood, it will be quite easy to remember and you will be unlikely to forget any of the points.
- For certain facts, there may be no explanation for them so it is not possible to understand them. In that case, you have to remember and memorise those facts.
- For the calculations, you need to know how to apply what you have learnt and use the correct formula to solve the questions. Go through all the example questions in the revision book. Make sure that you understand how every question is solved.
- You have to regularly revise every topics again and again. When revising, go through all the explanation, facts, experiments and examples for calculation questions in the book. Make sure that you do not forget anything that you have understood previously. Regular and repeated revision will help you to remember all the explanation and facts for a long time.
- Then, you have to do exercises. Buy exercise books from the bookshop. You can start by doing topical questions topic by topic. When you have understood all topics, proceed with doing SPM model test papers, past year SPM trial questions and past year actual SPM questions. They should be available from bookshops. After doing the exercises, refer to the suggested answer or mark scheme and do self marking.
- You should sometimes refer to the mark scheme of past year SPM trial papers to find out how every question is marked and which points need to be included in the answers for every question. Usually, the same types of questions will have similar mark scheme, so this can help you when answering exam questions.
- When doing revision before exam, you should first go through the subtopics and experiments that you think is more difficult or that you may have forgotten. Then, go through other topics as well if possible.
2. Paper 1
- Read the question and all the options carefully. Write any rough workings on the question paper if you need to. Cancel off the options that you consider as definitely wrong. Then, choose the most suitable answer among the 4 options.
3. Paper 2
- When answering, read the question and all information given carefully. Make sure that you know what the question is asking for. Answer the questions based on your knowledge and understanding on the relevant topic in Science. Certain questions may test you on more than one topics. For some questions, you may have to apply what you have learnt in Science in order to answer them. You have to think carefully and relate the question to what you have learnt. You may also be asked to give your own opinions.
- When writing your answer, you can use the same or similar words or sentences as those in revision books if possible. However, sometimes you may need to make some changes in order to suit the question. You can also answer in your own sentences that have the same meaning. If the question asks on something that is not in revision books (the question requires you to apply what you have learnt in Science or give your own opinion), then you have to answer in your own sentences. For all questions, your answer must be specific and not too general. Give the most suitable answer according to the question.
- You should use the correct scientific terms in your answer. Do not replace them with other terms that are inappropriate, even if their meaning are the same. The spelling for all scientific terms must also be correct, otherwise marks may be deducted. For other non-scientific terms, marks is not deducted for wrong spelling. If your make grammatical errors in your answer, marks will not be deducted as long as the examiner can understand what you are writing. Do not use any short forms in your answer, except when writing units for quantities or when writing working for calculation. For all chemical substances, you should write the complete name and do not write only the chemical formula, unless if the question asks you to write the chemical formula or if you are writing a chemical equation.
- It is not compulsory to answer in continuous writing form. You are allowed to answer in table form, point form or other suitable forms. In suitable cases, you can also use diagrams, equations or graphs in your answer.
- When answering questions on calculation, you must show all workings. You should not skip any important steps, otherwise marks may be deducted. You must also write the correct unit for the final answer. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the amount of working needed. 1 mark will be given for each important step and the final answer. You are not allowed to write extra solutions or answers. If you do so and any of the answers or solutions is wrong, marks will be deducted. For a calculation question which requires you to use your answer from the previous question, even if your answer for the previous question is wrong and you use it for this question causing your answer for this question to be wrong, usually you will still get full marks for this question as long as your calculation for this question is correct. This is known as 'error carried forward'.
- For questions that require explanation or description, your answer must be very detailed. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer can be easily understood. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of points needed in your answer. 1 mark is given for each correct point. Do not miss out any important points in your answer. You are allowed to write extra points in your answer, but you must be careful not to write any points with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct points. For points that are not acceptable but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for points that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- For questions that do not require explanation or description, write the answer straight away. You need not answer in complete sentences. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of answers needed. If the question states the number of answers you have to write, then you are not allowed to write extra answers. If you do so and any of them is wrong, marks can be deducted. If the question does not state the number of answers you have to write, you are allowed to write extra answers, but you must be careful not to write any answers with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct answers. For answers that are not acceptable but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for answers that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- When answering questions on describing experiment, your answer should include all the necessary details stated in the question. When writing the procedure, you must include all the steps to carry out the experiment, including the precautionary steps. You must state the amount and concentration of the substances used. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer can be easily understood. When tabulating the data of experiment, you can leave blank for the results of the experiment.
- When plotting graph, draw both the horizontal and vertical axis on the graph paper correctly. Label both axis correctly and state the unit (if any). Use a suitable scale for both axis. Plot all points on the graph accurately. Then, draw the correct curve or straight line. When drawing the curve or straight line, it should pass through all points on the graph if possible. If this is not possible, the line or curve should pass through as many points on the graph as possible, all the points should be close to it and the number of points above and below the line or curve should be almost equal. The graph should cover at least half of the graph paper.
- When drawing diagrams, make sure that all important details are included in the diagram you draw. You have to label correctly all parts in the diagram. Your diagram should be clear and neat.
1. Studying tips
- When your teacher is teaching in class, pay attention to what your teacher says. Make sure you understand everything taught by your teacher. If you do not understand anything, ask your teacher or friends.
- The most important resource is the Form 4 and Form 5 textbooks. If you are in Form 5 and you do not have the Form 4 textbook, I would recommend you to buy one from the bookshop or borrow one from your friends and photostat it.
- When studying a chapter, read through all the explanations in the textbook sentence by sentence. Make sure that you truly understand each sentence before moving on to the next sentence. You also need to know and understand all formulas. Certain topics may require understanding of earlier topics, so make sure you understand those topics. You should also try to relate them to what your teacher had taught in school.
- You should be actively involved in all experiments carried out in school because this can help improve your practical skills which are essential for Paper 3.
- You also need to read through all the experiments and activities in the textbook. You have to understand the Aim, Problem Statement, Hypothesis, Variables, List of Materials & Apparatus, Procedure, Tabulation of Data and Conclusion for all experiments. This is essential for Paper 3. For the Procedure, read through it step by step. Make sure that you truly understand each step before moving on to the next step. To help you understand, try to imagine that you are carrying out the experiment. Understanding the Procedure will make it very easy for you to remember the List of Materials & Apparatus.
- Then, you have to remember everything that you understood. You can memorise the sentences in the book, or you can also create your own sentences that have the same meaning and memorise them. If you create your own sentences, make sure that you do not change the original meaning, do not leave out any important points and do not change the important keywords and scientific terms. However, do not just memorise without understanding. Once you have understood, it will be quite easy to remember and you will be unlikely to forget any of the points.
- For certain facts, there may be no explanation for them so it is not possible to understand them. In that case, you have to remember and memorise those facts.
- For the calculations, you need to know how to apply what you have learnt and use the correct formula to solve the questions. Go through all the example questions in the textbook. Make sure that you understand how every question is solved.
- You have to regularly revise every topics again and again. When revising, go through all the explanation, facts and examples for calculation questions in the book. Make sure that you do not forget anything that you have understood previously. Regular and repeated revision will help you to remember all the explanation and facts for a long time.
- Then, you have to do exercises. As far as I know, there are no exercise books for SPM Additional Science in the bookshops. However, you can use the exercise books for SPM Chemistry, Physics and Biology. You can start by doing topical questions topic by topic. Skip the topics that are not in the Science or Additional Science syllabus. When you have understood all topics, proceed with doing SPM model test papers, past year SPM trial questions and past year actual SPM questions for Chemistry, Physics and Biology. They should be available from bookshops. After doing the exercises, refer to the suggested answer or mark scheme and do self marking.
- When doing revision before exam, you should first go through the subtopics that you think is more difficult or that you may have forgotten. Then, go through other topics as well if possible.
- The Additional Science topics may require knowledge and understanding of the Science topics. Make sure that you understand all the topics in SPM Science.
2. Paper 1
- Read the question and all the options carefully. Write any rough workings on the question paper if you need to. Cancel off the options that you consider as definitely wrong. Then, choose the most suitable answer among the 4 options.
3. Paper 2
- Paper 2 has Section A, B and C. From SPM 2021 onwards, Section A consists of 8 structured questions where you must answer all questions, Section B consists of 2 essay questions where you can choose any 1 of them while Section C consists of 1 essay question where you must answer it.
- When answering, read the question and all information given carefully. Make sure that you know what the question is asking for. Answer the questions based on your knowledge and understanding on the relevant topic in Additional Science. Certain questions may test you on more than one topics. For some questions, you may have to apply what you have learnt in Additional Science in order to answer them. You have to think carefully and relate the question to what you have learnt. You may also be asked to give your own opinions.
- When writing your answer, you can use the same or similar words or sentences as those in textbooks if possible. However, sometimes you may need to make some changes in order to suit the question. You can also answer in your own sentences that have the same meaning. If the question asks on something that is not in textbooks (the question requires you to apply what you have learnt in Additional Science or give your own opinion), then you have to answer in your own sentences. For all questions, your answer must be specific and not too general. Give the most suitable answer according to the question.
- You should use the correct scientific terms in your answer. Do not replace them with other terms that are inappropriate, even if their meaning are the same. The spelling for all scientific terms must also be correct, otherwise marks may be deducted. For other non-scientific terms, marks is not deducted for wrong spelling. If your make grammatical errors in your answer, marks will not be deducted as long as the examiner can understand what you are writing. Do not use any short forms in your answer, except when writing units for quantities or when writing working for calculation. For all chemical substances, you should write the complete name and do not write only the chemical formula, unless if the question asks you to write the chemical formula or if you are writing a chemical equation.
- It is not compulsory to answer in continuous writing form. You are allowed to answer in table form, point form or other suitable forms. In suitable cases, you can also use diagrams, equations or graphs in your answer.
- When answering questions on calculation, you must show all workings. You should not skip any important steps, otherwise marks may be deducted. You must also write the correct unit for the final answer. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the amount of working needed. 1 mark will be given for each important step and the final answer. You are not allowed to write extra solutions or answers. If you do so and any of the answers or solutions is wrong, marks will be deducted. For a calculation question which requires you to use your answer from the previous question, even if your answer for the previous question is wrong and you use it for this question causing your answer for this question to be wrong, usually you will still get full marks for this question as long as your calculation for this question is correct. This is known as 'error carried forward'.
- For questions that require explanation or description, your answer must be very detailed. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer can be easily understood. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of points needed in your answer. 1 mark is given for each correct point. Do not miss out any important points in your answer. You are allowed to write extra points in your answer, but you must be careful not to write any points with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct points. For points that are not acceptable but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for points that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- For questions that do not require explanation or description, write the answer straight away. You need not answer in complete sentences. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of answers needed. If the question states the number of answers you have to write, then you are not allowed to write extra answers. If you do so and any of them is wrong, marks can be deducted. If the question does not state the number of answers you have to write, you are allowed to write extra answers, but you must be careful not to write any answers with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct answers. For answers that are not acceptable but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for answers that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- When plotting graph, draw both the horizontal and vertical axis on the graph paper correctly. Label both axis correctly and state the unit (if any). Use a suitable scale for both axis. Plot all points on the graph accurately. Then, draw the correct curve or straight line. When drawing the curve or straight line, it should pass through all points on the graph if possible. If this is not possible, the line or curve should pass through as many points on the graph as possible, all the points should be close to it and the number of points above and below the line or curve should be almost equal. The graph should cover at least half of the graph paper.
- When drawing diagrams, make sure that all important details are included in the diagram you draw. You have to label correctly all parts in the diagram. Your diagram should be clear and neat.
4. Paper 3
- From SPM 2021 onwards, Paper 3 is a practical test.
- During the test, read the question and all information given carefully. Make sure that you understand the experiment given. Certain parts of the question require you to record the readings from the experiment in a table. You should draw the tables before carrying out the experiment so that you can record your readings in the table straight away during the experiment. Then, carry out the experiment by following the steps given in the question exactly. You need to apply your Science practical skills when carrying out the experiment.
- Certain questions may require your knowledge and understanding in Additional Science to answer them. You may also need to give your own opinions. Your answer must be specific and not too general. Give the most suitable answer according to the question.
- When recording readings from an measuring instrument (except metre rule, vernier calipers and micrometre screw gauge), the number of decimal places used should be equal to half of the smallest division of scale of the instrument (For example, if the instrument's smallest division of scale is 0.1, you should record the reading to the nearest 0.05, which is 2 decimal places.) For digital instruments (except digital stopwatch), the number of decimal places used should be the same as that shown on the display. The reading should be recorded to the nearest 0.1cm for metre rule, 0.01cm for vernier calipers, 0.01mm for micrometer screw gauge and 0.1s for stopwatch (both analogue and digital). In all cases, do not give more or less number of decimal places. You must also write the correct units.
- In most cases, you should take each reading twice, then calculate and record the mean of the 2 readings. Ensure that you show in your answer both readings and the calculation of their mean. However, for questions which states that repeated readings are not required, you only need to take each reading once and record it straight away.
- For questions on titration, you should first perform a rough titration, then perform 2 accurate titrations. Record the initial burette reading and final burette reading for each titration, then calculate the titre. You should record everything in a table. All readings should be recorded to 2 decimal places. The titre for the 2 accurate titrations should not differ by more than 0.10cm3. Then, calculate the mean titre for the 2 accurate titrations. The mean should be given to 2 decimal places.
- When plotting graph, draw both the horizontal and vertical axis on the graph paper correctly. Label both axis correctly and state the unit (if any). Use a suitable scale for both axis and do not use any odd scales such as 3:10. Both the x-axis and y-axis need not start from 0. The scales should be chosen such that the points plotted on graph cover at least half of the graph paper. The markings on the scales should not be more than 3 large squares apart. Plot all points on the graph accurately. The points should be accurate to half a small square. For all the points, their diameter should not be larger than half a small square. Then, draw the correct straight line or curve. When drawing the straight line or curve, it should pass through all points on the graph if possible. If this is not possible, the line or curve should pass through as many points on the graph as possible, all the points should be close to it and the number of points above and below the line or curve should be almost equal.
- When determining the gradient of the line of graph, choose 2 points on the line and draw a triangle. The distance between the 2 points chosen should be at least half the length of the line. When determining the y-intercept of the line of graph, if the x-axis starts from 0, you can read it off directly from the y-axis of graph, or if the x-axis does not start from 0, you should choose a point on the line, preferably one of the points that you used to calculate its gradient, and substitute its x and y values as well as the gradient into the equation y=mx+c to determine the value of c which is the y-intercept.
- For questions on qualitative analysis, for each chemical test, you should use about 1cm depth or 2cm3 of each solution unless otherwise stated by the question. You have to record the full observations. State if there is any colour change or if precipitate forms. For any colour change, indicate both the initial and final colour, as well as the stage in which the change occurs if more than one reagents are added. If precipitate forms, state the colour of precipitate and whether it is soluble in excess of the reagent added, and if it is soluble state the colour of the solution formed. If you see any bubbles formed, it means that gas is released, and the question may ask you to carry out a gas test to determine what the gas is. State that effervescence occurs and state the observations of the gas test and the type of gas released. When determining the type of an unknown chemical, it should be based on your observations of the chemical tests carried out.
- For questions on biological drawing, use pencil to draw, draw as big as possible without drawing over the text of the question and leave enough space for labels, ensure that the lines you draw are thin, single, unbroken, clear & continuous and never shade or colour. Label your drawing if required by the question. Use a ruler to draw the labelling lines.
- For any questions involving calculation, you should show all workings and do not skip any important steps. You must also write the correct unit for the final answer if it is not provided. You are not allowed to write extra solutions or answers. If you do so and any of the answers or solutions is wrong, marks will be deducted. For a calculation question which requires you to use your answer from the previous question, even if your answer for the previous question is wrong and you use it for this question causing your answer for this question to be wrong, usually you will still get full marks for this question as long as your calculation for this question is correct. This is known as 'error carried forward'.
- For questions that require explanation or description, your answer must be very detailed. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer can be easily understood. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of points needed in your answer. 1 mark is given for each correct point. Do not miss out any important points in your answer. You are allowed to write extra points in your answer, but you must be careful not to write any points with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct points. For points that are irrelevant but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for points that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- For questions that do not require explanation or description, write the answer straight away. You need not answer in complete sentences. The number of marks allocated for the question usually shows the number of answers needed. If the question states the number of answers you have to write, then you are not allowed to write extra answers. If you do so, marks may not be given for the extra answers, and marks may be deducted if any of them is wrong. If the question does not state the number of answers you have to write, you are allowed to write extra answers, but you must be careful not to write any answer with wrong facts. Marks will only be given for the correct answers. For answers that are irrelevant but does not contain wrong facts, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for answers that contain wrong facts, marks may be deducted.
- When drawing diagrams, make sure that all important details are included in the diagram you draw. You have to label correctly all parts in the diagram. Your diagram should be clear and neat.
- For all questions, you should use the correct practical and scientific terms in your answer. Do not replace them with other terms that are inappropriate, even if their meaning are the same. The spelling for all practical and scientific terms must also be correct, otherwise marks may be deducted. For other terms, marks is not deducted for wrong spelling. If your make grammatical errors in your answer, marks will not be deducted as long as the examiner can understand what you are writing. Do not use any short forms in your answer, except when writing units for quantities or when writing working for calculation. For all chemical substances, you should write the complete name and do not write only the chemical formula, unless if the question asks you to write the chemical formula or if you are writing a chemical equation.
Tips for other SPM subjects can be found here:
got all A+ in all of your pure science subjects!?
ReplyDeleteyou must be a pure genius!
How do you know about the syllabus of add science and science btw
ReplyDeleteIt is easy. Just search on Google.
DeleteLol haha
DeleteHey, do you mind telling me about the prospect's that the additional science subject gives to a arts stream student? Will it allow me to take the sciences later on in collage or..?
ReplyDeleteSome colleges and universities accept Additional Science as an alternative to Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Therefore, arts stream students with Additional Science will be able to take science courses at those colleges. However, not all colleges accept Additional Science. You should check with the college about this. Additional Science is also not accepted for entry into science stream of Form 6 or Matriculation.